Spicebush Swallowtail - Papilio troilus
The Spicebush Swallowtail is on Cardinal Flower
Spicebush Swallowtail - Papilio troilus
The Spicebush Swallowtail is on Lilium speciosum rubrum
Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes
Pipevine Swallowtail - Battus philenor
The Pipevine Swallowtail is on Phlox
Monarch Butterfly - Danaus plexippus
Pipevine Swallowtail - Battus philenor
The Pipevine Swallowtail is on Phlox
Giant Swallowtail - Papilio cresphontes
The Giant Swallowtail is the largest butterfly in North America
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - Papilio glaucus
Mourning Cloak - Nymphalis antiopa
Great Spangled Fritillary - Speyeria cybele
The Great Spangled Fritillary is on White Coneflower
Variegated Fritillary - Euptoieta claudia
The Variegated Fritillary is on Helianthus
Red-spotted Purple - Limenitis arthemis astyanax
The Red-spotted Purple is on Bur Oak
Red Admiral Butterfly - Vanessa atalanta
Common Buckeye - Junonia coenia
The Common Buckeye is on Brazilian Verbena
Common Buckeye - Junonia coenia
The Common Buckeye Butterfly is on Tatarian Aster
Common Buckeye - Junonia coenia
The Common Buckeye Butterfly is on Black-eyed Susan
Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui
The Painted Lady is on Joe-pye Weed
Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui
The Painted Lady is on Red Zinnia
Painted Lady Butterfly - Vanessa cardui
The Painted Lady Butterfly is on Canada Thistle
American Lady Butterfly - Vanessa virginiensis
The American Lady Butterfly is on Purple Coneflower
Cabbage White Butterfly - Pieris rapae
The Cabbage White is on Sedum
Cabbage White Mating - Pieris rapae
The Cabbage White Butterflies are on Chrysanthemum
Cabbage White Butterfly - Pieris rapae
The Cabbage White is on New York Ironweed
Cabbage White - Pieris rapae
The Cabbage White is on Aster
Orange Sulphur Butterfly - Colias eurytheme
The Orange Sulphur is on Purple Aster
Cloudless Sulphur - Phoebis sennae
The Cloudless Sulphur is on Lantana
Clouded/Orange Sulphur Butterfly - Colias eurytheme
The Clouded Orange Sulphur is on Buddleia
Orange Sulphur Butterfly - Colias eurytheme
The Orange Sulphur is on Joe-Pye Weed
Banded Hairstreak - Satyrium calanus
White M Hairstreak - Parrhasius m-album
The White M Hairstreak is on Korean Chrysanthemum
Red-banded Hairstreak - Calycopis cecrops
The Red-banded Hairstreak is on Black-eyed Susan
Gray Hairstreak Butterfly - Strymon melinus
The Gray Hairstreak is on Tatarian Aster
Northern Pearly-Eye - Enodia anthedon
American Snout Butterfly - Libytheana carinenta
Summer Azure - Celastrina neglecta
The Summer Azure is on Boneset
Red-banded Hairstreak - Calycopis cecrops
The Red-banded Hairstreak is on Boneset
Eastern Tailed-Blue - Cupido comyntas
The Eastern Tailed-Blue is on Switch Grass
Eastern Tailed-Blue - Cupido comyntas
Eastern Tailed-Blue - Cupido comyntas
The flower is Shasta Daisy
Eastern Tailed-Blue - Cupido comyntas
The flower is Shasta Daisy
Question Mark Butterfly - Polygonia interrogationis
The Question Mark Butterfly is on Phlox
Eastern Comma - Polygonia comma
Eastern Comma - Polygonia comma
Compton Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis vaualbum
The Compton Tortoiseshell Butterfly is rare in Central Park
Pearl Crescent - Phyciodes tharos
The Pearl Crescent is on Milkweed
Pearl Crescent - Phyciodes tharos
Broad-winged Skipper - Poanes viator
The Broad-winged Skipper is on Brazilian Verbena
Least Skipper - Ancyloxypha numitor
The Least Skipper is on Pink Clover
Silver-spotted Skipper - Epargyreus clarus
The Silver-spotted Skipper is on Globe Amaranth
Silver-spotted Skipper - Epargyreus clarus
The Silver-spotted Skipper is on Joe-pye Weed
Silver-spotted Skipper - Epargyreus clarus
The Silver-spotted Skipper is on Buddleia
Silver-spotted Skipper - Epargyreus clarus
Horace's Duskywing - Erynnis Horatius
The Horace's Duskywing is on Burdock
Wild Indigo Duskywing - Erynnis baptisiae
The Wild Indigo Duskywing is on Mistflower
Juvenal's Duskywing - Erynnis juvenalis
Common Sootywing - Pholisora catullus
The Common Sootywing Skipper is on Globe Amaranth
Fiery Skipper - Hylephila phyleus
The Fiery Skipper is on Buddleia
Fiery Skipper - Hylephila phyleus
The Fiery Skipper is on Mistflower
Ocola Skipper - Panoquina ocola
Ocola Skipper - Panoquina ocola
The Ocola Skipper is on Zinnia
Dun Skipper - Euphyes vestris
Dun Skipper - Euphyes vestris
Peck's Skipper - Polites peckius
The Peck's Skipper is on Sedum
Peck's Skipper - Polites peckius
The Peck's Skipper is on Sedum
Zabulon Skipper - Poanes zabulon
The Zabulon Skipper is on New York Ironweed
Zabulon Skipper - Poanes zabulon
The Zabulon Skipper is on Hosta
Zabulon Skipper - Poanes zabulon
Peck's Skipper - Polites peckius
The Peck's Skipper is on Mistflower
Zabulon Skipper - Poanes zabulon
The Zabulon Skipper is on Hosta
Sachem Skipper - Atalopedes campestris
The Sachem Skipper is on a Mexican Sunflower
Sachem Skipper - Atalopedes campestris
The Sachem Skipper is on Mistflower
Sachem Skipper - Atalopedes campestris
The Sachem Skipper is on Salvia
Least Skipper - Ancyloxypha numitor
Summer Azure - Celastrina neglecta
Question Mark Butterfly - Polygonia interrogationis